
2016 - 2020

Proposed by

María Berríos



About the project

The journal Marronage was launched on the occasion of the 2017 centennial of the sale of the former Danish West Indies and is dedicated to exposing the erasure of colonialism in the Nordic historical narrative. With contributions from anti-colonial artists, international decolonial feminist scholars, poets, movements and activists, the three (soon to be four) Marronage publications point to the colonial legacies of oppressive structures we contend with today: transnational adoption systems, detention centers, racist narratives in textbooks, and discrimination against undocumented people, to name just a few.

Marronage thrived through experimentation and creating and subverting spaces that center communities whose voices are not represented.

We aim to make decolonial feminist practices accessible and part of our everyday lives. This has led us to publish a handbook of detailed how-to guides, and we have begun a process of creating an educational programme for racialized with video, artistic, music, recording, and writing workshops. Our long-term goal is to create a decolonial experimental permanent community space for people of color in Copenhagen.

External links

Artist website

About the artist

Marronage is a decolonial feminist collective that brings into focus narratives of decolonial resistance through editorial work, articles, teaching, direct action, speeches, and curated events and performances. Marronage is not a separatist group but we consciously maintain a people-of-color-majority in the collective.