2011 - 2012
Proposed by
Heejin Kim
Yongin (South Korea)
About the project
Economic Love Camp originated and developed from the Listening Company in 2008, a community-based performance, research and publication project by an artists collective “ps” organized by Jinjoo Kim. The Listening Company has focused on listening to matters of invisible subjects in urban society, specifically about the immigrant community, including the illegal open-air market of Filipinos in Seoul and Jumma (a minority race in Chittagong) refugees.
In 2012, Economic Love Camp created by ps will form the solidarity of gender subjects who re-negotiated their identity by marriage or childbirth as living in the urban areas of South Korea. As contemporaneity of least developed countries, apartment complex demonstrates a type of living space localized Neo-Liberal Empire. It contains community issues like education, politics, and livelihood, which are easily regarded as only mothers’ duty for caring and loving their families in the private sector. However, this project urges re-mapping the community of married women; how their love and care become the landscape of our “economic-psychopolitics”. Therefore, the project will put the agent off-stage and offer the subjects to speak out about their suppressed desire and to create an alternative sector of the community with various action methods.

As for the second phase, Jinjoo Kim proposed a series of workshops in shared apartments. In the least developed countries like South Korea, the apartment complex metaphorically remains a landmark of national compressed development and a means for economic investment. The apartment complex destroys indigenous contemplation on communion and public domain by reinforcing most of social life into the private sector within the whole frame of capitalism.
External links
About the artist
ps is a collective based in Seoul. Since 2007, ps, meaning “post-script”, has pursued transferring “neglected stories and messages” to the public and cultural domain. Approaching the issues of minority and singularity, ps has focused on invisible action and relationships in and out of utterance of improvisational, mobile and intangible senses. Initiated by two artists, ps is solely organized by Jinjoo Kim in the current stage and concentrates on various strategies as a social mediator, such as graphic design, writing, sound, publication, archiving, participatory workshop, conversational practice, and interdisciplinary performance.