The Matters of Care: Speculative Ethics in More Than Human Worlds

Annotated by Pelin Tan



University of Minnesota Press


Maria Puig de la Bellacasa


The book brings forward the practice and concept of Care by situating it in an organism as such soil. Beside a human-centric approach the author is defining Care through its agencies, materialities and practicalities in its processing in the more-than-human worlds. Care not in an exploitative form but through a feminist politics within multi-temporality ethics is at the centre of the book. The author aims to include a temporal dimension of care that evolves like ‘living soil’. This book is very valuable for socially engaged art practices that situate themselves in a more-than-human world and cultivation-related care practices.

Pelin Tan

...relations of thinking and knowing require care and affect how we care. In tune with a non normative approach to care as a speculative ethics, the grounds of this premise are ontological rather than moral or epistemo- logical: not only relations involve care, care is relational per se.