Climates: Architecture and the Planetary Imaginary

Annotated by Pelin Tan



Lars Muller Publisher


James Graham


How do architectural elements play a part in planetary imaginaries under the Anthropocene? This book includes authors and architects, theories and practitioners that open up the debate through field research and architectural speculation. The book has an interesting organisation of content with four main sections ‘Earth’, ‘Political Ecologies’, ‘Corporealities’ and ‘Enclosures’ approaching the discourse through climate injustice, control and biosecurity, material effect, posthumanism discourse and case studies. The book aims to present spatial cases and discourses on the Anthropocene and climate injustice through architectural infrastructure, knowledge, materiality and scale. Climates: Architecture and the Planetary Imaginary can be a useful source for socially engaged art practices and debates that deal with climate injustice and field research on more-than-human worlds.

Pelin Tan recognizing the plural 'climates' that humans have constructed and instrumentalized for various ends, they show us that the relationships between people and the built and natural environments are limited only by our imaginations.